Clients policy – personal data treatment agreement
Pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 and European Regulation 679/2016
Data processor
The Data Controller is QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL with registered office in Via Oroboni 6 – VIGEVANO (PV). Any requests for information and/or clarifications regarding the processing of data may be requested by sending an email to the following address:
Treatments and purposes
QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL wishes to inform you that the company name of your company as well as the personal and identification data of the contact person who will interface with our company will be collected and processed for the following purposes:
Fulfilment of the operational purposes necessary for production
Direct and remote assistance
Commercial communications
The processing carried out with the aid of paper/electronic instruments does not involve the use of automated decision-making processes.
Legal basis of processing
Processing is carried out on the basis of the existence of a legitimate interest as there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the controller determined by the contractual terms.
Data provision
The provision of data is optional, but necessary for the achievement of the purposes; the non-availability of the same does not allow the fulfilment of the above obligations. Failure to consent to commercial communications does not affect the service or the contract signed..
Communication of data and scope of dissemination
The data may be communicated to the following categories of subjects that QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL uses to carry out certain activities functional to the provision of its services: accounting and consulting firms for accounting and tax fulfilments; banks for payment operations; insurance companies for policies relating to company third party liability; law firms in the event of disputes; Public Administrations for legal communications. The data, unless provided for in specific contracts, may in no case be transferred abroad.
Storage time
The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes in compliance with the terms of the law for the period corresponding to fiscal, accounting and administrative needs, to document our activity and to respond to your data recovery needs.
Rights of the interested party
You are acknowledged and guaranteed the full right to: ask the Data Controller for access to your personal data and the rectification or erasure of the same or the restriction of processing concerning you or to object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability. This right may be exercised by sending an email to
Furthermore, the Data Controller shall stop processing the data if it receives a communication from you revoking the consent previously given.
Complaint to the supervisory authority
The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority in the event that his/her requests for information addressed to the Data Controller have not led to a satisfactory response. The Authority of reference is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data:
New customer information
Pursuant to Art. 13 of European Regulation 679/2016
Data controller:
The Data Controller is QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL with registered office in Via Oroboni 6 – VIGEVANO (PV). Any requests for information and/or clarifications regarding the processing of data may be requested by sending an email to the following address:
Treatments and purposes
QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL wishes to inform you that the company name of your company as well as the personal and identification data of the contact person who will interface with our company will be collected and processed for the following purposes:
Commercial communications/letter sending
The processing carried out with the aid of paper/computer tools does not involve the use of automated decision-making processes.
Legal basis of processing
Processing is carried out on the basis of the existence of a legitimate interest as there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the controller determined by the contractual terms.
Data provision
The provision of data is optional, but necessary for the achievement of the purposes; the non-availability of the same does not allow the fulfilment of the above obligations. Failure to consent to commercial communications does not affect the service or the contract signed.
Communication of data and scope of disclosure
I dati potranno essere comunicati alle seguenti categorie di soggetti di cui QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL si avvale per l’espletamento di alcune attività funzionali all’erogazione dei propri servizi: studi commercialisti e consulenziali per adempimenti contabili e fiscali; istituti bancari per le operazioni di pagamento; compagnie di assicurazioni per le polizze relative alla R.C. aziendale; studi legali in caso di contenziosi; Pubbliche Amministrazioni per comunicazioni di legge. I dati, se non previsto da specifiche contrattuali, non potranno in nessun caso essere trasferiti all’esteroThe data may be communicated to the following categories of subjects that QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL uses to carry out certain activities functional to the provision of its services: accounting and consulting firms for accounting and tax fulfilments; banks for payment operations; insurance companies for policies relating to company third party liability; law firms in the event of disputes; Public Administrations for legal communications. The data, unless provided for in specific contracts, may in no case be transferred abroad.
Storage time
The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes in compliance with the terms of the law for the period corresponding to fiscal, accounting and administrative needs, to document our activity and to respond to your data recovery needs.
Rights of the interested party
You are acknowledged and guaranteed the full right to: ask the Data Controller for access to your personal data and the rectification or erasure of the same or the restriction of processing concerning you or to object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability. This right may be exercised by sending an email to
Furthermore, the Data Controller shall stop processing the data if it receives a communication from you revoking the consent previously given.
Complaint to the supervisory authority
The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority in the event that his/her requests for information addressed to the Data Controller have not led to a satisfactory response. The Authority of reference is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data:
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Cookies are small text files that sites visited by users send to their terminals (computers or other mobile or handheld devices such as smartphones or tablets), where they are stored in order to be retransmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits. Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics, and can be used either by the owner of the site you are visiting or by third parties.
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For more information on cookies and their general functions, visit an informative website such as
The owner of this website is the company QUANTIX DIGITAL SRL with registered office in VIGEVANO (PV) Via Oroboni 6.
Technical cookies
which do not require consent: This website employs technical or equivalent cookies which do not require consent, i.e. they are installed automatically following access to the site and do not require consent. The list is shown in the table below
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Statistics cookies
They are used by third parties, also in unbundled form, for the management of statistics.
You will find below the names of the third parties who manage them, and for each of them the link to the page where you can receive information on processing and express your consent.
Google Analytics
Use of the Google Analytics service: this is a service provided by Google Inc. which uses cookies on the user’s computer to perform aggregate statistical analyses on the use of the site visited. Below are some useful links relating to this service:
Privacy Policy:
Cookie Policy:
For more information about cookie management, enabling and disabling third-party cookies, please visit the following links:;;;;
Processing methods
The processing is carried out using automated tools and paper. Limited to the processing carried out through this site, any information may be disclosed (in addition to the Data Controller’s employees) to the suppliers of the technological services used by the Data Controller for the management of the aforementioned site. No data is disseminated.
Data provision
With regard to navigation on this site, the provision of data is linked to the user’s willingness to navigate the site after having read the information contained in the banner on the homepage. Please note that in order to avoid the installation of cookies, it is necessary not to close the aforementioned site by clicking on the “I understand” button, or by using the specific functions offered by the browser used for navigation. For the sake of completeness, here are the steps to be taken to access and manage the settings for deleting cookies (excluding those necessary for browsing)::
Internet Explorer Click on “Tools” (icon in the top right-hand corner).
Select “Internet Options”.
Select ‘Privacy’.
Google Chrome Click on the spanner icon in the top right-hand corner.
Select ‘Settings’.
Select ‘Show advanced settings’.
Change the ‘Privacy’ settings.
Mozilla Firefox From the menu in the top left corner click on ‘Options’.
Select ‘Privacy’.
Safari From the menu in the top right-hand corner click on ‘Preferences’.
Select ‘Security’.
Rights of the interested party
The interested party may exercise the rights set out below by contacting the Data Controller via the e-mail address indicated below by sending an e-mail to
The rights of the data subject are as follows: the right to access and rectify or erase personal data and to restrict the processing of personal data concerning him or her or to object to the processing of personal data, as well as the right to data portability.
This page is visible, by means of a link, on all the pages of the Site pursuant to art. 122, second paragraph of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of 3 June 2014 and its register of provisions no. 229