Enjoy your vacations!
Enjoy your vacations! 😎😎😎 Here at Quantix we are on full duty for offering you something amazing, as soon as you will be back.
Solutions for both metal and plastic
Quantix offers solutions for #digitalprinting of #closures, both metal and plastic. Novum makes possible decoration of side parts of cylindrical closures for #wines and #spirits, o
Half the size, double the speed…. and Quantix’s notoriety is growing
Quantix's notoriety is growing. Quantix brand increases presence on specialized press. The Canmaker, well known magazine in the world of #metalpackaging, adds to Novum presentatio
Quantix Start-up Innovative
Quantix ha recentemente raggiunto il traguardo dell'iscrizione al registro delle Start-up Innovative. Inoltre oggi è nuovo membro di Confindustria, nella sezione Assolombarda. U